College of Education Graduate Degree Programs
Master of Education Degree Programs
Minimum admission requirements for regular admission to master of education degree programs are as follows:
- an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university in a major related to the planned field of study
- an undergraduate GPA of 2.75 calculated on all work attempted
- a combined score of 800 (verbal and quantitative) on the Graduate Record Examination or a score of 44 on the Miller Analogies Test
- no criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for teacher certification
Minimum admission requirements for provisional admission to master of education degree programs are as follows:
- an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university in a major related to the planned field of study
- an undergraduate GPA of 2.50 calculated on all work attempted
- a combined score of score of 700 (verbal and quantitative) on the Graduate Record Examination or a score of 35 on the Miller Analogies Test
- no criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for teacher certification
Additional admission criteria may be applied at the department level.
Admission decisions are appealable to the College of Education graduate appeals committee.
Students admitted to a master of education program on a provisional basis must first enroll in EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology or EDUF 6215 Research Methods, and, depending upon their declared major, two teaching/leadership/counseling courses to be determined by the department chair or designee.
Graduate non-degree admission in a post-baccalaureate or post-graduate status is not available. Students wishing to enroll in graduate course work for any reason must be admitted to a graduate degree program.
Students admitted as candidates for the master of education degree must satisfactorily complete a planned program of study and a minimum of 36 semester credit hours. At least 18 of these hours must be in courses numbered 6000 or above.
A graduate students program, planned cooperatively with an advisor from the College of Education, will emphasize development both in the teaching field and in professional studies. Specific questions concerning Georgia Professional Standards Commission requirements for teacher certification should be directed to the office of the dean, College of Education, or to the department that offers the student's major.
Application for Graduation
Approval of an application for the master of education degree is contingent upon the successful completion of an approved program and recommendation for the degree by the College of Education. Applications for degree conferral must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar the semester prior to completion of degree requirements. The following requirements must be met for the completion of the MEd degree:
- Students must earn a 3.0 grade point average calculated on all graduate work attempted. (Maximum of six semester hours of C).
- A minimum of one-half of the hours required for the degree must be earned in residence.
- All degree requirements must be completed within seven years of first enrollment.
- Students in some programs must pass a written comprehensive examination.
Independent Study
No more than six semester hours earned in independent study may be applied toward meeting the requirements of an MEd degree.
Course Load
The maximum course load for a graduate student in education is 12 hours per semester, including the summer session. Additionally, six semester hours is the maximum course load allowed for a special short term in the summer session.
MEd Administration
In addition to the general admission requirements for all MEd degree programs, a successful interview and an approved writing sample are also required for the MEd in Educational Leadership. The interview will be conducted only after the applicant has met the other admissions criteria. After full admissions to the program, the student will work with a faculty advisor to develop an individualized program of study.
Students will be eligible for the certificate in administration upon completion of the following requirements, the Praxis II exam, and three years of public or regionally/state accredited school teaching experience.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 28
- EDUL 6225 Strategic Leadership
- EDUL 6235 Instructional Leadership
- EDUL 6245 Organizational Leadership
- EDUL 6255 Community Leadership
- EDUL 6265 Ethics in Education
- EDUL 6275 Public Policy in Education
- EDUL 6698 Internship
- EDUL 6899 Independent Study
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Early Childhood Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 23
- EDEC 6155 Early Childhood in Contemporary Society
- EDEC 6156 Child Development: Conception To Age 10
- EDEC 6166 Assessment in Early Childhood
- Select two of the following three courses:
- EDEC 6115 Teaching Language Arts in Early Childhood
- EDEC 6116 Writing and the Young Child
- EDEC 6118 Methods and Materials for Teaching Reading in Early Childhood (required if not taken at the undergraduate level)
- Select two of the following three courses:
- EDEC 6125 Teaching Mathematics: Early Childhood
- EDEC 6135 Teaching Science in Early Childhood
- EDEC 6145 Teaching Social Studies in Early Childhood
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 5
- Select five semester hours from the following (other courses may be approved by advisor):
- EDEC 6157 Child Care Centers
- EDEC 6158 Infant Education
- EDEC 6159 Creative Teaching Early Childhood
- EDEC 6795 Seminar in Early Childhood
- A special education (SPED) course may be required if not taken at the undergraduate level.
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Health and Physical Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 25-26
- Health Education (six-nine Hours)
- HESC 6105 Consumer Health
- HESC 6107 Human Sexuality
- HESC 6188 Contemporary Health Problems
- HESC 6795 Seminar in Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Physical Education (16-20 Hours)
- PELM 6115 Curriculum Development in Physical Education
- PELM 6116 Analysis of Teaching Behavior in Physical Education
- PELM 6117 Social Development in Physical Education: Working with At-Risk Students
- Select three semester hours from the following:
- PELM 6215 Physical Education for Children
- PELM 6216 Middle Level Physical Education
- PELM 6217 Physical Education in the Secondary School
- Select four to eight semester hours from the following:
- PELM 6118 Legal Issues In Physical Education and Sport
- PELM 6119 Assessment in Physical Education
- PELM 6135 Designing Fitness Programs for Children and Youth
- PELM 6219 Physical Education for Students with Disabilities
- PELM 6226 Funding and Grants
- PELM 6515 Selected Topics in Physical Education
- PELM 6795 Contemporary Issues in Physical Education
- PELM 6899 Directed Independent Study in Physical Education
Area 3 - Cognate Elective - Required Hours: 2-3
- HESC, PELM or other approved course
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Middle Grades Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Middle Grades Core - Required Hours: 10
- EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
- EDMG 6116 Integrating Literacy Strategies in the Middle Grades
- EDMG 6155 Psychology of the Early Adolescent Learner
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- Select nine semester hours in one area and six semester hours in a second area of
graduate elective courses in the content areas of:
- Language Arts: EDMG 6115/EDMG 6117/EDCI 6118, and/or ENGL/EDSE/READ at 5000 level or above
- Social Studies: EDCI 6159 and HIST/POLS/ECON at 5000 level or above
- Mathematics: EDMG 6125, EDMG 6126, and MATH courses at 5000 level or above
- Science: EDMG 6135/EDMG 6136/EDCI 6235, and/or BIOL/CHEM/ GEOL/PHYS at 5000 level or above
Area 4 - Electives - Required Hours: 3
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Reading
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 19
- READ 6147 Trends, Issues, and Problems in the Teaching of Reading
- READ 6148 Psychology of Reading
- READ 6245 Adults and Literacy
- READ 6246 Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
- READ 6347 Diagnostic Procedures in Reading
- READ 6348 Remedial Procedures in Reading
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 9
- Select from the following:
- EDMG 6117 Improved Teaching of Language Arts Grades 4-8
- EDSE 6115 Trends in Adolescent Literature
- READ 6145 Assessment of Reading Difficulties
- READ 6146 Methods and Materials in the Teaching of Reading
- READ 6149 Reading in the Content Areas
- READ 6445 Practicum in Reading
- READ 6116 Children's Literature
- Other electives (maximum seven semester hours) must be selected by student and advisor.
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd School Counseling
The MEd Program in school counseling has received national accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
All potential candidates for the program are required to complete a screening process, which includes an interview, prior to admission to the program. Contact the Department of Counseling and Clinical Programs for additional information.
The program leading to the MEd in school counseling is designed to prepare students for certification in school counseling. Degree requirements may exceed the minimum number of hours for professional certification. Persons desiring certification as a school counselor who do not hold teacher certification may satisfy state certification requirements in school counseling by taking the program of study for school counseling and by completing an additional curricular experience which will orient the student to the school setting. Students holding a masters in community counseling who are interested in school counseling should inquire about the post-graduate certification program. Interested students should contact the department chair.
The student must complete COUN 6115, COUN 6265, and COUN 6225 with a grade of A or B. A grade other than A or B requires repetition of these courses. When repetition of one or more of these courses is necessary, no other COUN course work may be taken concurrently.
Evaluation of a student's performance is continuous and involves consideration of the student's academic performance as well as the student's performance in laboratory, practicum, and internship classes. This process will involve the evaluation of the student's academic, clinical, and intrapersonal/interpersonal functioning. A required student portfolio assessment is one means of achieving this continuous evaluation of students. A student may be dropped from the program upon the recommendation from program faculty to the Dean of the College of Education. This decision may be appealed to the College of Education graduate appeals committee.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 10
- COUN 6115 Introduction to Professional Counseling
- COUN 6225 Counseling Skills 1
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 32
- COUN 6155 Counseling Theory
- COUN 6175 Cultural Perspectives in Counseling
- COUN 6187 School Counseling Services
- COUN 6235 Career Development Counseling
- COUN 6245 Individual Analysis
- COUN 6265 Group Techniques and Procedures
- COUN 6415 Applied Practice in School Counseling
- COUN 6698 Internship in School Counseling (6 hours)
- COUN 6795 Seminar I - Lifespan Development, Ethics, Professional Issues, and Consultation
- COUN 6796 Seminar II - Psychopathological Diagnosis and Pre-Practicum
Area 3 - Program Electives - Required Hours: 6
- Select from the following:
- COUN 6105 Psychological Aspects of Substance Abuse
- COUN 6185 Gender Issues in Counseling
- COUN 6255 Play Therapy
- COUN 6555 Selected Topics in Counseling
- COUN 6898 Independent Study
- COUN 7165 Counseling Children
- COUN 7185 Family Psychopathology
- COUN 7215 Family Therapy Process and Practice
- COUN 7225 Counseling Skills 2
- COUN 7275 Advanced Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy
- COUN 7285 Marriage and Family Assessment
- COUN 7286 Marriage Systems Theory and Therapy
Area 4 - Additional Requirements - Required Hours: 0
- COUN 6000 Graduate Exit Exam – Counseling
Total Hours Required 48
Students should meet with their advisors to determine the most appropriate sequence of courses in their program of study. The culminating 700-hour clinical experience is considered the most important aspect of this program. The application process for practicum and internship includes prerequisite course work and pre-registration. Due to the intensity of the internship experience, six credit hours is considered a full-time load when students are enrolled in internship. Students wishing to exceed this limit must first obtain permission from the department.
MEd Secondary English Language Arts Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Secondary Education Core - Required Hours: 4
- EDCI 6158 Trends & Issues in Middle/Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 18
- EDSE 6117 Improved Teaching of English Language Arts Grades 7-12
- Select nine semester hours from the following:
- EDSE 6115 Trends in Young Adult Literature
- Literature courses (level 5000 or above)
- Select three semester hours from the following:
- EDCI 6118 Teaching Composition in Grades 4-12
- READ 6148 Psychology of Reading
- ENGL 7150 Professional Writing
- Select three semester hours from Linguistics courses (level 5000 or above)
Area 4 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
- Recommended electives include:
- EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the Curriculum
- EDUT 6205 Technology Workshop
- Other options include studies to gain a gifted education or ESOL endorsement as well as graduate studies used to earn a Level 4 Georgia certificate.
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Secondary General Science Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 12
- EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 18
- EDSE 6135 Teaching Science in the Secondary School
- Select six semester hours (5000 level or above) from biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, geology, EDMG 6135, EDMG 6136, or EDCI 6235
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Secondary History Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Secondary Education Core - Required Hours: 4
- EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 18
- EDSE 6145 Teaching Social Studies in Grades 7-12
- HIST 7505 Selected Topics in European History
- HIST 7506 Selected Topics in Latin American Civilization
- HIST 7507 Selected Topics in United States History
- HIST 7508 Selected Topics in Southern History
- Select three semester hours from POLS courses (7000 level)
Area 4 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
- Recommended electives include:
- ECON 6185 Economics for Educators
- EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the School Curriculum
- EDUT 6205 Technology Workshop
- HIST 7899 Independent Studies
- HIST 7698 Internship
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Secondary Mathematics Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 12
- EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 18
- EDSE 6125 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School
- EDSE 6526 Topics in Secondary Mathematics
- MATH 5151 Introduction to Real Analysis I
- MATH 5152 Introduction to Real Analysis II
- Select six semester hours (5000 level or above) from MATH, EDMG and EDSE math education.
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Secondary Social Science Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Secondary Education Core - Required Hours: 4
- EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
- EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 18
- EDSE 6145 Teaching Social Studies in Grades 7-12
- HIST 7505 Selected Topics in European History
- HIST 7506 Selected Topics in Latin American Civilization
- HIST 7507 Selected Topics in United States History
- Select six semester hours from political science courses (7000 level).
Area 4 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
- Recommended Electives include:
- ECON 6185 Economics for Educators
- EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the School Curriculum
- EDUT 6205 Technology Workshop
- HIST 7899 Independent Study
- POLS 7698 Internship
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Special Education - Behavioral Disorders
Students who do not currently have a teaching certificate may be required to complete prerequisite coursework.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 25
- SPED 6135 Inclusive and Collaborative Procedures in Special Education
- SPED 6145 Language and Instruction for Children with Disabilities
- SPED 6265 Assessment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6186 Nature and Characteristics of Children with Behavior and/or Emotional Disorders
- SPED 6306 Scales and Inventories for Assessing Children with Behavior Disorders
- SPED 6286 Method and Materials for Teaching Children with Behavior and/or Emotional Disorders
- SPED 6416 Practicum in Behavior Disorders
- SPED 6795 Ethical and Legal Issues in Special Education
- SPED 6796 Seminar in Special Education
- SPED 6797 The Special Education Teacher within the School
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 3
- Select from the following:
- SPED 5225 Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities
- SPED 6156 Psychosocial and Emotional Foundations of Behavior Disorders
- SPED 6176 Teaching Adolescents with Learning Problems and Special Needs
Total Hours Required 36
MEd Special Education - Learning Disabilities
Students who do not currently have a teaching certificate may be required to complete prerequisite coursework.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 25
- SPED 6135 Inclusive and Collaborative Procedures in Special Education
- SPED 6145 Language and Instruction for Children with Disabilities
- SPED 6187 Nature and Characteristics of Children with SLD
- SPED 6265 Assessment of Exceptional Children and Youth
- SPED 6287 Method and Materials for Teaching Children with SLD
- SPED 6307 Scales and Inventories for Assessment Children with SLD
- SPED 6417 Practicum in Specific Learning Disabilities
- SPED 6795 Ethical and Legal Issues in Special Education
- SPED 6796 Seminar in Special Education
- SPED 6797 The Special Education Teacher within the School
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 3
- Select from the following:
- SPED 5225 Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities
- SPED 6156 Psychosocial and Emotional Foundations of Behavior Disorders
- SPED 6175 Lifespan Issues for People with Disabilities
- SPED 6176 Teaching Adolescents with Learning Problems and Special Needs
- SPED 6899 Independent Study
Total Hours Required: 36
MEd Special Education - Mental Retardation
Students who do not currently hold a teaching certificate may be required to complete prerequisite course work.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 25
SPED 6135 Inclusive and Collaborative Procedures in Special Education
SPED 6145 Language and Instruction for Children with Disabilities
SPED 6188 Learning and Behavioral Characteristics of Students with Mental Retardation
SPED 6215 Teaching Students with Mental Retardation
SPED 6265 Assessment of Exceptional Children and Youth
SPED 6308 Scales and Inventories for Assessment of Children with Mental Retardation
SPED 6418 Practicum in Mental Retardation
SPED 6795 Ethical and Legal Issues in Special Education
SPED 6796 Seminar in Special Education
SPED 6797 The Special Education Teacher within the School
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 3
- Select from the following:
- SPED 5225 Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities
- SPED 6156 Psychosocial and Emotional Foundations of Behavior Disorders
- SPED 6175 Lifespan Issues for People with Disabilities
- SPED 6176 Teaching Adolescents with Learning Problems and Special Needs
- SPED 6899 Independent Study
Total Hours Required: 36
Master of Science Degree Programs
MS Community Counseling
The MS program in community counseling has received national accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
All potential candidates for the program are required to complete a screening process, which includes an interview, prior to admission to the program. Contact the Department of Counseling and Clinical Programs for additional information.
The program leading to the MS in community counseling is designed to prepare persons to function as counselors in a variety of community settings including, but not limited to, mental health centers, community agencies, hospitals, residential treatment centers, corrections, or other helping or human service oriented programs. Two new specialty tracks have been added: Pastoral Counseling and Student Personnel. The Pastoral Counseling track represents a joint venture with the Pastoral Institute.
The student must complete COUN 6115, COUN 6265, and COUN 6225 with a grade of A or B. A grade other than A or B requires repetition of these courses. When repetition of one or more of these courses is necessary, no other COUN course work may be taken concurrently.
Evaluation of a student's performance is continuous and involves consideration of the student's academic performance as well as the student's performance in laboratory, practicum, and internship classes. This process will involve the evaluation of the student's academic, clinical, and intrapersonal/interpersonal functioning. A required student portfolio assessment is one means of achieving this continuous evaluation of students. A student may be dropped from the program upon the recommendation from program faculty to the Dean of the College of Education. This decision may be appealed to the College of Education graduate appeals committee.
Minimum admission requirements for regular admission to the MS program in community counseling are as follows:
- An undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university
- A 2.75 undergraduate grade point average calculated on all work attempted and a score of 800 on the
- Graduate Record Examination or a score of 44 on the Miller Analogies Test
Minimum admission requirements for provisional admission to the MS program in community counseling are as follows:
- An undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university
- A 2.5 undergraduate grade point average calculated on all work attempted and a score of 35 on the Miller
- Analogies Test or a score of 700 on the Graduate Record Examination
Students admitted on a provisional basis must complete a minimum of nine semester hours with grades of B or better, to include EDUF 6215 Research Methods, COUN 6115 Introduction to Professional Counseling, and COUN 6225 Counseling Skills 1.
Admission decisions are appealable to the College of Education graduate appeals committee.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 10
- COUN 6115 Introduction to Professional Counseling
- COUN 6225 Counseling Skills 1
- EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 29
- COUN 6155 Counseling Theory
- COUN 6175 Cultural Perspectives in Counseling
- COUN 6235 Career Development Counseling
- COUN 6245 Individual Analysis
- COUN 6265 Group Techniques and Procedures
- COUN 6405 Applied Practice in Community Counseling
- COUN 6697 Internship in Community Counseling (6 hours)
- COUN 6795 Seminar I - Lifespan Development, Ethics, Professional Issues, and Consultation
- COUN 6796 Seminar II - Psychopathological Diagnosis and Pre-Practicum
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 9
- Select nine semester hours form the following:
- COUN 6105 Psychological Aspects of Substance Abuse
- COUN 6185 Gender Issues in Counseling
- COUN 6255 Play Therapy
- COUN 6555 Selected Topics in Counseling
- COUN 6899 Independent Study
- COUN 7165 Counseling Children
- COUN 7185 Family Psychopathology
- COUN 7215 Family Therapy Process and Practice
- COUN 7225 Counseling Skills 2
- COUN 7275 Advanced Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy
- COUN 7285 Marriage and Family Assessment
- COUN 7286 Marriage Systems Theory and Therapy
Area 4 - Other Requirements - Required Hours: 0
- COUN 6000 Graduate Exit Exam – Counseling
Total Hours Required: 48
Students should meet with their advisors to determine the most appropriate sequence of courses in their program of study. The culminating 700-hour clinical experience is considered the most important aspect of this program. The application process for practicum and internship includes prerequisite course work and pre-registration. Due to the intensity of the internship experience, six credit hours is considered a full-time load when students are enrolled in internship. Students wishing to exceed this limit must first obtain permission from the department.
Application for Graduation
Approval of an application for the Master of Science degree in community counseling is contingent upon the successful completion of an approved program and recommendation for the degree by the College of Education. Applications for degree conferral must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar the semester prior to completion of degree requirements. The following requirements must be met for the completion of the MS degree:
- Students must earn a 3.0 grade point average calculated on all graduate work attempted. (Maximum of six semester hours of C).
- A minimum of one-half of the hours required for the degree must be earned in residence.
- All degree requirements must be completed within seven years of first enrollment.
- Students must pass a written comprehensive examination.
Specialist in Education Degree Programs
Minimum admission requirements for regular admission to specialist in education degree programs are as follows:
- a graduate degree from an accredited college or university in a major related to the planned field of study
- a satisfactory graduate GPA calculated on all work attempted
- a satisfactory score (verbal and quantitative) on the Graduate Record Examination or a satisfactory score on
- the Miller Analogies Test
- three years of acceptable teaching experience (with the exception of the EdS in School Counseling)
- no criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for teacher certification
Provisional admission to specialist in education programs is not available.
Additional admission criteria may be applied at the department level.
Admission decisions are appealable to the College of Education graduate appeals committee.
Graduate non-degree admission in a post-baccalaureate or post-graduate status is not available. Students wishing to enroll in graduate course work for any reason must be admitted to a graduate degree program.
Students admitted as a candidate for the specialist in education degree must satisfactorily complete a planned program of study and a minimum of 30 semester hours of credit. At least 18 of these hours must be in courses numbered 7000 and above.
Eight hours in education core courses are required in each program leading to the specialist in education degree. Specific program requirements are listed on following pages.
A graduate student's program, planned cooperatively with an advisor from the College of Education, will emphasize development both in the teaching field and in professional studies. Specific questions concerning Georgia Professional Standards Commission requirements for teacher certification should be directed to the office of the dean, College of Education, or to the department offering the student's major.
Application for Graduation
Approval of an application for the specialist in education degree is contingent upon the successful completion of an approved program and recommendation for the degree by the College of Education. Applications for degree conferral must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar the semester prior to completion of degree requirements.
The following requirements must be met for the completion of the EdS degree:
- Graduate work taken prior to full admission to the specialist in education degree program will not be counted toward meeting the course requirements for the degree.
- Students must earn a 3.0 grade point average calculated on all graduate work attempted.
- No more than three semester hours of C will be allowed.
- A minimum of 15 semester hours required for the degree must be earned in residence.
- All transfer credit must have been earned after a student has been admitted to and enrolled in a specialist=s program. A maximum of six semester hours of transfer credit may be applied toward the degree.
- All degree requirements must be completed within seven years of first enrollment.
- No more than six semester hours earned in independent study may be applied toward meeting the requirements of the EdS degree.
EdS Administration and Supervision
In addition to the general admission requirements for all EdS programs, a successful interview and an approved writing sample are also required for the EdS in Educational Leadership. The interview will be conducted only after the applicant has met the other admission criteria. The interview/writing sample may be waived if the applicant has completed the CSU master’s Program in Educational Leadership. After full admission to the program, the student will work with a faculty advisor to develop an individualized program of study.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 22
Option A
- If the student's master's degree is in administration, the following 22 semester hours
will be required for the L-6 certification:
- EDUL 7698 Specialist Internship
- EDUL 7795 Seminar in Instructional Leadership
- EDUL 7796 Seminar in Human Relations
- EDUL 7797 Seminar in Finance and Budgeting
- EDUL 7899 Independent Study
- EDUT 7795 Technology Seminar for Administrators
Option B
- If the student's master's degree is in an area other than administration, a program of study consisting of 22 semester hours selected from both the master=s and specialist level EDUL courses will be designed, as planned by the student and advisor.
Area 3 - Specialist Portfolio - Required Hours: 0
- EDUL 7000 Specialist Portfolio
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS Early Childhood Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 16
- EDEC 7126 Teaching Mathematics Content and Skills
- EDEC 7155 Cognitive Development in Young Children
- EDEC 7899 Research in Early Childhood
- Select six semester hours (6000 level or above) in early childhood courses or related field studies.
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 6
- Select six semester hours (6000 level or above) in early childhood courses or related field studies.
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS Middle Grades Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 Professional Core Required Hours: 8
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Specialist Studies - Required Hours: 4
- EDCI 7158 Leadership in the Curriculum Change Process
- EDCI 7359 Specialist Project
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- Select concentration studies from the following:
- Language Arts: Select EDCI 7115, and ENGL/EDSE/READ at 5000 level or above)
- Mathematics: Select EDMG 7125, other EDMG math and MATH courses at 5000 level or above
- Science: Select EDMG science and BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/PHYS at 5000 level or above
- Social Studies: Select HIST/POLS/ECON at 5000 level or above
Area 4 - Electives - Required Hours: 3
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS School Counseling
Teaching experience is not required for admission into this program. Students must be eligible for certification in school counseling and may be asked to supply a copy of this certificate prior to admission. Admission decisions may be appealable to the College of Education graduate appeals committee. There is no provisional admission for the EdS degree program.
The following policy has been established for individuals holding an MEd in school counseling from Columbus State University who have applied for the EdS program in school counseling. It is possible that individuals holding certification in school counseling in Georgia could be required to take more than 28 semester hours (or less, depending on the transcript evaluation). This also holds true for individuals holding school counseling certification granted by another state.
An interview is required for selection into the EdS program. This interview should
be scheduled as soon as possible. (In the case of Columbus State University graduates,
this interview process may be waived.)
Each student's master's transcript will be evaluated. No charge will be made for an
evaluation of a Columbus State University student's transcript. A charge of $25 will
be assessed to students from any other institution. Students must take their transcripts
to the office of the dean of the College of Education and pay the fee before an evaluation
can be made.
After the transcript is evaluated, a written plan of study will be developed. The student will be given one copy of this plan, and one copy will go in the student's file.
A minimum of 28 semester hours must be completed. Transcripts will be evaluated for prior graduate work completed, and additional courses may be required. It is also possible that after a transcript evaluation certain courses may be waived and proficiency granted.
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 10
- COUN 7165 Counseling Children
- COUN 7215 Family Therapy Process and Practice
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Advanced School Counseling Concentration - Required Hours: 6
- COUN 7175 Counseling Supervision Theories and Techniques
- COUN 7698 Advanced Internship in School Counseling
Area 3 - Electives - Required Hours: 14
- Select from the following:
- COUN 7185 Family Psychopathology
- COUN 7225 Counseling Skills 2
- COUN 7275 Advanced Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy
- COUN 7285 Marriage and Family Assessment
- COUN 7286 Marriage Systems Theory and Therapy
- Any other approved courses in COUN or other graduate courses which fit career objectives
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS Secondary English Language Arts Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 11
- EDCI 7115 K-12 Curriculum Studies: English Language Arts
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Specialist Studies - Required Hours: 4
- EDCI 7158 Leadership in Curriculum Change
- EDCI 7359 Specialist Project
Area 3 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- EDCI 6118 Teaching Composition in Grades 4-12 or an approved substitute
- Select 12 semester hours in English specialty studies, curriculum and pedagogy or,
depending on prior English content studies, up to nine hours in related-field studies
- EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the School Curriculum
- EDUT 6205 Technology Workshop
- Other related-field options include studies to gain a gifted education or ESOL endorsement.
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS Secondary General Science Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 15
- EDCI 7158 Leadership in the Curriculum Change Process
- EDCI 7359 Specialist Project
- EDSE 7135 Curriculum Studies in Secondary Science Education
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- Select 15 semester hours (5000 level or above) from biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, EDMG 6135, EDMG 6136, or EDCI 6235
Total hours Required: 30
EdS Secondary Mathematics Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 15
- EDCI 7158 Leadership in the Curriculum Change Process
- EDCI 7359 Specialist Project
- EDSE 7125 Issues in Mathematics Education: Secondary
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- Select 15 semester hours (5000 graduate level or above) from mathematics, or mathematics education courses (either middle grades or secondary levels)
Total Hours Required: 30
EdS Secondary Social Science Education
Course Requirements
Area 1 - Professional Core - Required Hours: 15
- EDCI 7158 Leadership in the Curriculum Change Process
- EDCI 7359 Specialist Project
- EDSE 7145 Curriculum Studies in Social Science Education
- EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
- EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research
Area 2 - Concentration - Required Hours: 15
- Select 15 semester hours (5000 graduate level or above) economics, history, and political science courses with two of three disciplines to be covered. These include special topics, independent studies, and selected internships.
Total Hours Required: 30