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Momentum Submissions - Columbus State University

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Academic Affairs

Momentum Submissions

Priority submission deadline for Fall 2022 issue of Momentum: March 31, 2022

Note: After this deadline, submissions may be purposed for the next issue.


General Requirements

Students should submit via email to The final paper must be a Microsoft Word document with a (*doc) file extension. Figures must be in separate high quality files.

Submitted papers should be double-spaced and in 12-point, clearly read font. Authors are limited to a suggested 5000 words, excluding cover page and references or works cited page. Work of greater length may require extensive revision due to space constraints. Images and figures must be included in separate documents. Include directions if placement is specific.

All papers must meet the following conditions: originality, clarity of writing, documented methods, and logical conclusions. The audience should not be viewed as experts in the field and all technical terms should be explained in a concise manner.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. To be accepted into the current edition, the manuscript must be submitted by deadline stated on Momentum website.

Cover Sheet

The cover sheet should be prepared in the order listed. The list of all authors and faculty members who contributed to, or assisted with, the research project must be available only on the cover sheet. This is for easy removal during the blind review process.
Abstracts should be single-spaced and no more than 300 words in length.

Cover Sheet Outline

  • Title of article
  • Abstract (Limit 300 words)
  • Author(s), major(s) and affiliation(s)
  • Lead author contact information (phone, email)
  • Faculty mentor(s), department(s) and affiliation(s)
    • One faculty mentor's contact information must be included.
  • Biography of author(s) (limit 200 words total for all authors)
  • Citation format of the paper (MLA, APA, or Chicago)
  • Disciplinary category which best represents the research style:
    • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
    • Social Sciences
    • Humanities
    • Fine Arts
    • Other (please specify)

Main Body

The main body of your manuscript will be what is sent to reviewers. Please remove personal information (author names, document properties) from this section. Before submission check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to improve likelihood of acceptance. For any research involving human subjects, authors must provide documentation of approval through an institutional review board.

Main Body Format

  • Length of the main body
    • Suggested 5,000 words limit (excluding references)
    • Varies according to discipline
  • Font
    • 12 point
    • Double-spaced
  • Headers must appear on all submitted pages
    • Abbreviated title
    • Page number
  • References/Works cited
    • All citations must be included here.
    • Footers are not an acceptable form of citation. For exceptions, contact the board at
  • Tables and Figures
    • Please place your tables and figures at the end of your manuscript for review.
    • Include in your submission high quality files of figures for final formatting.

Note: Any submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be accepted.

For questions about length or general requirements, send an email to

Ask Cody

Ask Cody