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Frequently Asked Questions - Columbus State University

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Schedule advising appointment with your advisor before each registration period. (This is required for all students.)
  • Schedule appointment with your advisor in a timely manner.
  • Find out when advising week begins in your department before registration begins.

Your advisor is assigned based on your major or your departmental assignment. The specific name of your advisor can be found in the left-hand corner of your Students menu in MyCSU. If you do not find an advisor's name on your Academic Advising Record, you should contact the department to which you are assigned.

*Click on this link to find your assigned department and how to contact them: Who Is My Advisor?

Academic Advisors can:

  • Provide students with necessary information to complete education and career goals in a timely manner
  • Assist students as they clarify their educational, personal, and professional goals.
  • Offer guidance to students as they select appropriate courses for their major and/or minor.
  • Share valuable discipline-specific information about the student's desired field of study.
  • Connect students to campus and community resources.
  • Help students avoid, or if necessary, recover from, academic missteps.
  • Release the automatic advising hold placed on student records each term before registration.
  • Answer questions regarding student's academic progress (i.e. course withdrawal, degree program requirements, changing major, etc.)

  • Students should speak with an advisor any time they have questions or concerns regarding their academic progress.
  • Students interested in declaring a major or minor or changing their major or minor should also speak with an advisor.
  • Regardless of major, students are required to see an advisor before each registration period.
  • If you are thinking about withdrawing or dropping a course, your advisor can help you understand potential impacts to your degree progression and financial aid.
  • Your advisor is here to help with any questions you have! You can make an appointment or simply send us an email!

  • Go to Make an Appointment and follow the instructions on how to make an appointment to see your advisor.

  • Students who are off campus/online receive advising by email or virtually, using Zoom. After the advising session, the advisor sends an email summarizing the conversation and indicting the courses recommended for the next semester. The student is requested to respond to the email acknowledging they received the written plan.

  • The Major Change Form can be accessed online in MyCSU under Student Records/Forms.
    • Note: Major Change Form is only for currently enrolled students, new incoming students should use the Application Change Form in MyCSU under Student Records/Admissions
  • Once you are logged into MyCSU, click on the student link in the left navigation.
  • Under the Student Records tab you will see a link under Forms, Major Change Form.
  • The form can be filled out and submitted online.

Note: We recommend scheduling an appointment with the advisor for your new major to ensure the courses that you enrolled in apply towards your new major.

Major Change Form Instructional Video

Dropping a class means the course is not part of your official record and you do not earn any sort of grade in the course nor is there a financial penalty. Dropping a course is only available during the add/drop period. However, withdrawing from a course means it is part of your record and you do earn a grade - either a Withdraw Pass (WP) or Withdraw Fail (WF) depending on how long the course has been in session. We strongly encourage you to consult the academic calendar before you drop to see if you are in the drop or withdraw period. Since you are earning a grade when you withdraw, you are financially responsible for the course. We also recommend that you check with your advisor and Financial Aid/Veterans Affairs BEFORE you withdraw.

Advising Hold
Have you been advised? If not, you can try to schedule an appointment in Accudemia or reach out to your advisor via email. Unsure who your advisor is? See our Who Is My Advisor page.
Office of Student Accounts
Contact the Office of Student Accounts at 706-507-8800
Dean of Students Hold
Contact the Dean of Students
Immunization Hold
Contact the Office of Admissions at 706-507-8800
Transcript Holds
Contact the Office of Admissions at 706-507-8800
Orientation Hold
Contact Orientation at 706-507-8590
Parking Services/Ticket
Contact Parking Services at 706-507-8203
University Success Hold
Contact your USS Advisor.

DegreeWorks is CSU‘s official degree audit program. It is easily accessible inside your MyCSU 24/7. DegreeWorks shows you all of the classes that are required for your major, which courses you have completed, and what you have left to complete. DegreeWorks also allows you do a "What If" analysis which shows you how your classes will change if you change your major.

How to Read DegreeWorks Instructional Video

For other questions and/or more information please contact:

Simon Schwob Memorial Library, Room 201
Phone: 706-507-8780

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