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Master of Education - Secondary English Language Arts Education - Columbus State University

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Master of Education - Secondary English Language Arts Education

Area 1 Professional Core                  Required Hours: 6 
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology: Achievement for Diverse Learners 
EDUF 6116 Research Methods and Action Research 

Area 2 Secondary Educ Core             Required Hours: 4 
EDCI 6158 Trends/Issues in Mid/Sec Education
EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation 

Area 3 Concentration                         Required Hours: 18 
EDSE 6117 Improved Teaching of English Language Arts Grades 7-12 
Select one of the following (linguistics):
ENGL 6148, ENGL 6165, ENGL 6166, or ENGL 6168L 
Select three of the following (literature): 
ENGL 5***/6*** or
EDSE 6115 Trends in Young Adult Literature 
Select one of the following : 
EDCI 6118 Teaching Composition in Grades 4-12
EDRG 6148 Psychology of Reading 
THEA 5205 Advance Creative Dramatics 

Area 4 Electives                                  Required Hours: 8
Recommended electives include: 
EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the Curriculum 
Other recommended electives include studies to gain a gifted education endorsement, an ESOL endorsement or NBPTS licensure.

Total Hours Required: 36

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