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Amending This Handbook - Columbus State University

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Academic Affairs

Amending This Handbook

The university is committed to keeping the Handbook current. In order to do so, the Faculty Handbook Advisory Committee reviews the document annually, paying special attention to those areas that may need to be updated. The Committee is also receptive to suggestions and recommendations by members of the administration and faculty.

In amending the Handbook, the Committee operates as follows:

  1. The Faculty Handbook Advisory Committee serves to initiate and/or review proposals to amend the Faculty Handbook.
  2. The Faculty Handbook Advisory Committee may propose amendments, or report its recommendations concerning proposals for amendments, at any regular meeting of the Faculty Senate or any special meeting called for the purpose of amending. The Senate must submit all such proposals and recommendations in writing to the faculty at least ten working days prior to the Faculty Senate meeting.
  3. Proposed amendments to the Faculty Handbook must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Faculty Senate present, provided a majority of those eligible to vote is present at the time of the vote.
  4. The Faculty Senate then sends the amendments to the President for review and final action.

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