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CSU Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Award Winner - Columbus State University

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Academic Affairs

CSU Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Award Winner

The CSU Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Award recognizes a faculty member’s engagement in the systematic examination of issues about student learning and instructional conditions which promote the learning, building on previous scholarship. The criteria for selection include documented use of strategies for investigating and evaluating the impact of teaching practice on student learning, anchored in the research literature; engagement in scholarship that is public, peer reviewed and critiqued; the production of scholarly work which contributes new questions and knowledge about teaching and learning; the development of a well articulated teaching philosophy that drives research questions; and documented dissemination of their scholarship results.  This award is presented annually at the Faculty and Staff Recognition and Excellence Awards Ceremony.  The winner of this award serves as CSU’s nominee for the USG Regents’ Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Award, and receives a certificate and a stipend sponsored by the Faculty Center.

2019-2020 CSU Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Award Winner

Diana Riser

Dr. Diana Riser, Associate Professor
College of Letters and Sciences

Dr. Riser has won several honors and awards for her commitment to teaching and learning, as well as her support of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning on campus and beyond. In the past five years, she won the Governor's Teaching Fellowship and the CSU Writing Fellowship. In addition, she has been the recipient of several grants in furtherance of her SoTL goals, for example, Quality Matters Course Improvement Grant, STEM Initiative Mini Grant, Complete College Georgia: STEM Innovation Grant, and the Faculty Center Interdisciplinary Initiative Grant.

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