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Course Requirements, MEd Secondary Biology Educ - Columbus State University

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Course Requirements, MEd Secondary Biology Educ

College of Education
Degree Program Course Requirements

For general degree requirements, see the College of Education and
the General Degree Requirements pages.

Master of Education - Secondary Science Education

Area 1 Professional Core                          Required Hours: 7 
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDUF 6116 Research Methods
EDUF 6795 Seminar: Foundations of Collaborative Student Support

Area 2 Secondary Education Core                 Required Hours: 4
EDCI 6158 Trends/Issues in Middle Grades/Sec Education
EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation

Area 3 Electives (Emphasis in Biology)           Required Hours: 18
EDSE 6135 Teaching Science in the Secondary School
BIOL 5515G Selected Topics (Cell and Molecular Bio)
BIOL 5525G Selected Topics (Organismic Bio) *taken twice
BIOL 5535G Selected Topics (Ecological and Evolutionary Bio)
Select three semester hours from the following:
BIOL/CHEM/ENVS/GEOL/PHYS (6000 level or above)*

Area 3 Electives (Emphasis in Chemistry)      Required Hours: 18
EDSE 6135 Teaching Science in the Secondary School
Select 12 semester hours from the following:
CHEM 5000 level and above
Select 3 semester hours from the following:
BIOL/CHEM/ENVS (6000 level or above)*

Area 3 Electives (Emphasis in Earth Science) Required Hours: 18
EDSE 6135 Teaching Science in the Secondary School
GEOL 5115 Geochemistry
GEOL 5135 Intro to Oceanography
GEOL 5215 Geomorphology
GEOL 5555 Selected Topics in Geology
Select 2 semester hours from the following:
BIOL/CHEM/ENVS (6000 level or above)*

Area 4 Electives                                             Required Hours: 7
Select 5 semester hours from the following:
BIOL/CHEM/ENVS/GEOL (5000 Level or above)
Select 2 semester hours from the following:
6000 level or above course with approval of Program Coordinator
(18 or more of the required hours must be 6000 level or above)

Total Hours Required: 36

*Note: Admission to upper level science courses may require prerequisites

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