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Office of Sustainability - Columbus State University

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University Operations

Office of Sustainability

At Columbus State University the Office of Sustainability strives to encourage Faculty and Staff along with our student body to promote and implement sustainably practices at the University and at home. The Office of Sustainability also is constantly reducing Columbus State University footprint by expanding our recycling program, installing energy efficient lighting, using electric vehicles for transportation, encouraging students to use alternative mode of transportation such as CSU's shuttle service, cycling or carpooling to campus along with many other programs to improve Columbus State University as a whole.

Columbus State University has already made many changes to improve sustainability:

  • Recycling (to include paper, aluminum, plastic, batteries, small electronics, toner cartridges, as well as some construction waste)
  • Solar Panels (to light pathway lights near the Soccer Field and Cunningham Center)
  • Bus Transit (to transport students and decrease parking spaces for cars)
  • Purchase and Use of Electric Vehicles for Plant Operations Personnel and the purchase of new fuel efficient vehicles campus wide
  • Energy Management System (allows room temperatures and energy consumption to be remotely controlled.)
  • "Green" Chemicals (for cleaning with Campus Services)
  • Bike and Walking Paths (to encourage use of bicycles and walking for health reasons and decreasing carbon footprint on campus)
  • We are a bike friendly school, check out our award in the awards section
  • Landscape Design (use native plants and mulch, decreasing watering efforts)

The complete 2018-2025 Environmental Sustainability Plan (PDF) can be found and viewed at the link provided. 

Sustainability is about creating a better future. As a result, our work is aspirational and future-focused. We are committed to a servant leadership approach in working for the common good. Hope and expectation of progress are essential to our work.

We work to enable others to realize their ability and power to be co-creators of the future, and we engage people in specific, relevant efforts that make a difference in achieving a sustainable society.

Donate to Sustainability

Every contribution helps us improve the sustainability of our campus and will go towards projects that aim at education and outreach or improving our recycling efforts. To donate simply click the button below, which will redirect you to the main CSU Giving page and then click the button that says "Would you like to support a program not listed above?" and write in the title of the account as "sustainability."

Give to CSU

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Most recycling activities occur at Facilities on CSU Main Campus.

City of Columbus Recycling Center.

By Recycling and incentive programs.

At the present time we do not recycle glass.

Yes, any recyclables can be brought to CSU Facilities.

Bailing of Cardboard, recycling Plastic, Aluminum, Paper, Toner Cartridges and Batteries. We also utilize electric vehicles, electric charging stations, solar panels, shuttle service, bike and walking paths and green cleaning chemicals.

Where are We Located?

We are located at Plant Operations, across the street from Richards Hall and adjacent to the CSU Tennis Courts. All recyclables can be brought to this location.

Plant Operations Map

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