CRJU - Criminal Justice
CRJU 1105. Introduction to Criminal Justice (3-0-3) A survey of history, philosophy, functions, and relationships among criminal justice systems. Particular attention will be given to the behavioral, social, political, and policy aspects of the justice system at the state and federal levels including constitutional issues.
CRJU 2105. Criminology (3-0-3) Critical analysis and evaluation of major theories concerning the causes of crime and the implications of them for the prevention of criminal behavior.
CRJU 2106. Survey of Corrections (3-0-3) Analysis and evaluation of both historical and contemporary correctional systems. Deals with the development, organization, operation and results of different systems of corrections found in America.
CRJU 2116. Victims of Violence (3-0-3) Theories of victimization and the extent of victimization in society introduces this course. Spouse abuse, child maltreatment, elder abuse, rape, homicide, and issues in victims rights are discussed to illustrate the interaction between the victim, the criminal, the criminal justice system, and society.
CRJU 2145. Criminal Law (3-0-3) This course covers the historical origins and evolution of substantive law and its current purposes in the criminal justice system and U.S. society.
CRJU 2146. Criminal Procedure and Evidence (3-0-3) A study of the introduction and progressive development of constitutional and legal procedures that govern the conduct of the United States criminal justice process.
CRJU 2165. Police Organization and Operation (3-0-3) A study of the history of law enforcement organizations, their duties and operational functions as an integral part of the criminal justice system.
CRJU 2166. Police Ethics and Professionalism (3-0-3) Prerequisite; Approval of Department Chair. This course is designed to further the officer/student's understanding of police ethics and continued police professionalism. Includes current and accurate training and education, the requirements for further awareness of public relations procedures and practices, and the continuing evolution of community-policing practices in the 21st century.
CRJU 2168. Technical Police Writing (3-0-3) Prerequisite; Approval of Department Chair. This course helps officers/students improve the technical writing skills required in policing, law enforcement, and all criminal justice fields. Special emphasis will be placed on essential, objective, and factual report writing, note taking, the writing of extensive agency and court narratives, and the writing of social histories/reports when necessary. The provision of basic computer skills will also be included.
CRJU 2175. Interpersonal Communication Skills for Law Enforcement (3-0-3) Prerequisite; Approval of Department Chair. This course is designed to improve the officer/student's ability to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, while working with conforming, non-conforming, and increasingly diverse populations of the community.
CRJU 2176. Constitutional Law and Police Issues (3-0-3) Prerequisite; Approval of Department Chair. This course addresses specific constitutional law cases, historical and current, that will clarify and validate with the officer/student those cases of law that are designed to guide efficient and proper procedural action in policing and law enforcement.
CRJU 2177. First Response Techniques (3-0-3) Prerequisite; Approval of Department Chair. This course provides the officer/student with an awareness of the importance of the proper and essential procedures and techniques required of the "first responder" to any scene of a violation of law or an accident, in order to protect the merits of an investigation and/or possible impending civil or criminal court case. A general knowledge of inter-agency cooperation among all "first responders" is also provided.
CRJU 3115. Deviant Behavior (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. Focuses on the individual who violates social and legal norms and the consequences for both the individual and society.
CRJU 3116. Criminal Behaviors (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. A study of specific categories of criminal offenders such as murderers, rapists, embezzlers, etc.
CRJU 3117. Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. An overview of research methods employed in criminal justice. It examines theoretical principles on which scientific research is based in addition to application of principles and methods in criminological research. Students will learn the historical development of social research as well as techniques and problems encountered in criminal justice research methods.
CRJU 3125. Community Based Corrections (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing. A comprehensive overview which covers the historical and contemporary development, organization, operation, and effectiveness of community based correctional programs.
CRJU 3126. Institutional Treatment of Criminal Offenders (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing. This course examines institutional and individual theories of correctional treatment of criminal offenders.
CRJU 3128. Correction Law (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior Standing. The aim of this course is to examine the Constitution and Bill of Rights, court decisions and statutes that apply to U.S. corrections, and the function law plays in the juvenile and adult correctional context.
CRJU 3135. Women in Crime and Justice (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. A comprehensive overview of women offenders, women victims, and women workers in the criminal justice system.
CRJU 3136. Criminal Justice Ethics (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. Current issues in the ethics of law enforcement, courts, corrections, or criminal justice.
CRJU 3146. Criminal Justice Administrations (3-0-3) Prerequisite: junior standing. Examines theories of organization, management, and administration as they relate to criminal justice practices in law enforcement, corrections, and the courts. Organizational life, leadership, personnel management, bureaucracy, resource management, and other critical administration issues are addressed.
CRJU 3155. Juvenile Delinquency (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing and CRJU 2105 with a grade of C or better. Fundamental topics including history, definition, extent, cause, treatment, prevention and control of juvenile delinquency are covered in detail.
CRJU 3165. Criminal Investigative Techniques (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing. An introduction to the theories, procedures, and techniques of modern criminal investigation.
CRJU 3555. Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Admission to B.S. Criminal Justice, junior standing, and approval of Department Chair. Specialized topics from law enforcement, law, courts, corrections, delinquency, victimology, and juvenile justice by means of lecture, discussion, special seminar, and/or field investigations. May be repeated once for credit.
CRJU 4155. The Juvenile Justice System (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing and CRJU 3155 with a grade of C or better. This course considers the relationships of various criminal justice agencies with juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system.
CRJU 4158. Juvenile Corrections (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing and CRJU 4155 with a grade of C or better. This is a detailed course designed to investigate existing programs of juvenile corrections and the continuous creation of alternatives for juvenile corrections to include funding issues, program operations, program effectiveness, problems and solutions.
CRJU 4165. Police Community Relations (3-0-3) Prerequisites: junior standing. The relationship and responsibilities of the criminal justice agencies to problems of social change and conflict between groups and individuals in the community.
CRJU 4210. Criminal Justice Capstone Course (3-0-3)This course is required of each senior criminal justice major in order to assess the fulfillment of all departmental learning objectives for graduation.
CRJU 4698. Internship (6 hours) Prerequisites: Admission to B.S. in Criminal Justice, senior standing, and approval of Department Chair. Practical experience through field work and selected seminars in the student's area of interest.
CRJU 4899. Independent Study (3-0-3) Prerequisites: Admission to B.S. in Criminal Justice, senior standing, and approval of Department Chair. Topics must be assigned in advance by the instructor.