ARTS - Art Studio
ARTS 1010. Drawing 1 (0-6-3) A study of the basic concepts of two-dimensional design and color theory.
ARTS 1011. Drawing 2 (0-6-3) A further investigation of drawing materials and application of methods with an emphasis on composition.
ARTS 1020. Two Dimensional Design (0-6-3) Primarily a study of the basic concepts of two-dimensional design and color theory. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 1030. Three Dimensional Design (0-6-3) A further investigation of design principles extending into the area of three-dimensional design. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 2000. Sophomore Review (0-0-0) Satisfactory grade in this course indicates completion of a sophomore review for the BFA degree in Art or the BSEd degree in Art Education. (S/U grading)
ARTS 2210. Art for Non-Majors (2-2-3) A basic introduction to art concepts, processes, and media for non-art majors. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 2105. Asian Studio Ceramics (0-6-3) A studio ceramics course in pottery and sculpture with components that will address a range of issues that contribute to a cultural aesthetic in Asian ceramic art.
ARTS 2248. Ceramics 1 (0-6-3) Includes the study of the nature of clay, hand forming, throwing on the wheel, glaze application and firing. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3000. Pre-Exhibit Review (0-0-0) Satisfactory grade in this course indicates completion of a pre-exhibit review for the BFA degree in Art or the BSEd Degree in Art Education. (S/U grading)
ARTS 3201. Introduction to Graphic Design (0-6-3) This course provides an introduction to the basic vocabulary, skills and techniques required in graphic design through demonstrations and assignments in a wide range of media, both traditional and computerized. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3202. Graphic Design, Design to Print (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3201. This course is intended to develop the student's skills and understanding of the tools, materials, processes and techniques within graphic design. Specific projects involving rendering, electronic layout, scanning, paste-up and color separation will help students prepare their work for final output. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3221. Computer Graphics 1 (0-6-3) Designed to apply computer technology to solving visual problems in fine arts, graphic design, and broadcast media. Emphasis is on individual expression and acquiring skills to communicate effectively through computer graphics. Students are introduced to fundamentals of computer graphics through lecture, presentation, discussion, and hands-on experiences. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3222. Computer Graphics 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1010. Emphasis on using skills and knowledge previously gained to develop more personalized computer graphic imagery. Students will perform in-depth research in selected visual-subject areas and prepare portfolios and/or presentations of their final projects. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3237. Figure Drawing (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1011. Basic concepts of figure drawing leading to the understanding of the structure of the human figure as applied to visual expression. May be taken three times for credit.
ARTS 3245. Papermaking and Book Arts (0-6-3) This course focuses on Eastern and Western approaches to handmade paper and book making. The student will work with fibers such as abaca, cotton and recycled paper, to make both flat and dimensional paper. We will explore traditional and non-traditional book binding methods, paper marbling techniques and image transfer processes. We will approach both the material (paper), and format (book) as visual objects, as well as vehicles for idea and image. May be repeated once for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3247. Metalsmithing/Jewelry 1 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of Instructor. Introduction to basic techniques and processes of non-ferrous metals for metalsmithing and jewelry making. Basic techniques of hammering, soldering and surface embellishment are covered. Assignments in this course consist of applying these techniques and processes to three-dimensional design problems. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3248. Ceramics 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 2248. Includes concentration on studio problems and issues in ceramics that relate to the individual development. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3256. Painting 1 (0-6-3) Prerequisites: ARTS 1011 and ARTS 1020. A basic studio introduction to the materials and methods of painting with emphasis on composition.
ARTS 3265. Photography 1 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1020 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of instructor. Introductory photographic theory, techniques and processes and their application. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3278. Printmaking 1 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1010 with a grade of "C" or better. A studio course involving the use of the various materials and techniques of making multiples or prints, including the relief printmaking process and intaglio. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3288. Sculpture 1 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1030. Introductory studio experience in principal sculptural methods. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 3555. Selected Topics in Studio Art (1-3 credit hours, 4-6 lab hours) Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of various media and techniques in the visual arts. The course may be repeated for credit if the medium or process is different. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4201. Graphic Design, Illustration (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3201. Designed to familiarize the student with problems and solutions encountered in daily work situations. Assignments include the design of catalog covers, brochures, letterheads, logos, and posters. The emphasis will be on color illustration including understanding and use of basic media as colored pencil, pastels, watercolor, and electronic illustration using the computer. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4202. Graphic Design, Portfolio Design (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3201. Emphasis on improving illustrational and layout techniques in various media, both traditional and electronic, to develop a professional portfolio. Studio and lecture. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4236. Advanced Drawing (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 1011. Application of design elements and principles in developing an individual understanding of pictorial space and organization. Experimentation with drawing media.
ARTS 4247. Metalsmithing/Jewelry 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3247. An intermediate study emphasizing refinement of technical skills and application of concepts. Students will learn techniques including casting, patination and advanced metal forming techniques. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4248. Ceramics 3 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3248. Focuses on the refinement of construction methods, formal and conceptual aspects, while introducing advanced techniques including kiln firing, fundamental glaze chemistry and testing methods. Students will explore several projects that relate to their individual studio development. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4256. Painting 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3256. Materials and methods of oil painting involving limited painting from life.
ARTS 4265. Photography 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3265 with a grade of "C" or better. An intermediate study of black and white photographic processes with emphasis on refining technical skills and developing a personal approach to subject matter and content. In addition, historical and contemporary connections will be made to establish relevance in student work. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4278. Printmaking 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisites: ARTS 3277. An intermediate study of printmaking processes with emphasis on composition and developing an individual style. In addition, historical and contemporary connections will be made to establish relevance in student work. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4286. Ceramic Studio Technology (1-0-1) Prerequisite: ARTS 3248. This class will look at ceramic technology as it relates to a practical understanding of glazes, glaze chemistry and color/surface development. May be repeated twice for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4288. Sculpture 2 (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3288. Primary course study and studio experience in secondary sculpture methods and theory. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4305. Senior Exhibit (0-1-1) Prerequisite: ARTS 3000. This course addresses presentation strategies and skills and leads to an on-campus exhibit and to documentation of a focused body of work. (S/U grading.)
ARTS 4698. Internship (3-15 hours) Prerequisite: Consent of Department chair. Directed observation and work experience with agencies, companies or departmental technical labs. Internships are offered to allow orientations in occupational specialties. Supervision is provided by an art staff member and the cooperating agency or company. Students must make arrangements with the department chair for internships prior to the semester in which they register for the course. (S/U grading.)
ARTS 4795. Senior Seminar (2-0-2) Prerequisite: ARTS 3000. An introduction to methods and issues of professional presentation including written and visual documentation. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 4899. Independent Study (1-3 hours) Prerequisite: Consent of Department chair. Individual studio projects or directed research. Open only to senior art majors. Admission requires prior approval of faculty member who will direct the work and of the department chair. May be taken for a total of six semester hours. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 5236. Drawing: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4236. Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.
ARTS 5247. Metalsmithing/Jewelry: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4247. Group and individual studio problems in metalsmithing and jewelry making theory and processes. Emphasis on advanced concepts. May be repeated twice for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 5248. Ceramics: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4248 or permission of instructor. Emphasis is placed on the development of an individual approach through the production of a personal body of work. May be taken four times for credit by undergraduate and graduate students. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 5256. Painting: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4256. Group and individual studio problems in painting disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.
ARTS 5265. Photography: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4265 with a grade of C or better. Intensive practice of photographic processes as related to each student's personal artistic goals. Emphasis on personal expression and conceptual concerns using advanced techniques. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 5278. Printmaking: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 4278. Advanced studio work in which the student may specialize in primary printing area: lithography, intaglio, or relief. May be taken three times for credit by undergraduate students. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 5288. Sculpture: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) Prerequisite: ARTS 3288. Advanced study in sculpture methods. Emphasis on individual development of expression. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 6236. Drawing (0-6-3) Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.
ARTS 6256. Painting (0-6-3) Group and individual studio problems in painting disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.
ARTS 6265. Photography (0-6-3) Group and individual studio problems in photography disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 6277. Printmaking (0-6-3) Group and individual studio problems in printmaking disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 6285. Ceramics (0-6-3) Group and individual studio problems in ceramics disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 6286. Graduate Problem: Studio (0-6-3) Studio project based on student's background and performance in other advanced courses. May be taken twice for credit.
ARTS 6288. Sculptural Explorations (0-6-3) Sculptural Explorations, Individual and collaborative problems in site specific, installation and performance based projects. Research and production required. May be repeated once for credit. (Course fee required.)
ARTS 6698. Internship (3-15 hours) Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Directed observation and work experience with agencies or companies. Internships are offered to allow orientation in occupational specialties. Supervision is provided by an art staff member and the cooperating agency or company. The student must make arrangements the department chair for the internship prior to registration for the course. (S/U grading.)