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University College - Columbus State University

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University College

University College is dedicated to student success. Here, everyone — from our top honor students to those who need additional preparation for entrance to four-year programs — finds the support and services to complete educational goals. University College consists of three divisions: the Academic Support Center, the Office of Student Retention, and the Division of Basic Studies.

Academic Support Center

Serving both University College and Columbus State University, the Academic Support Center promotes student success and retention through its programs, courses, and services.

The Academic Support Center promotes the academic and intellectual growth of the students it serves, while encouraging self-sufficiency. Tutorial services and study skills workshops provide students with strategies to reach the goals of thinking critically, reasoning scientifically, and understanding mathematical data and processes. Free tutorial assistance is provided to students enrolled in developmental studies, learning support and core curriculum classes.

A collaborative team approach is taken in advising students in their programs of study. The Academic Support Center advises undeclared majors, adult re-entry students, high school joint enrollment/post secondary options students, audit students and transient students enrolled at Columbus State University. Through community outreach programs such as Bridges PREP for middle school and high school students, McBride College Bound for elementary school students, Adult Re-entry, and High School Joint Enrollment, the Academic Support Center provides educational services to the region's diverse population.

The Office of Disability Services coordinates the compliance of Columbus State University with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), not merely to achieve legality but to foster academic potential through individualized plans tailored to the particular needs of the student. Students with a documented physical, emotional, or learning disability should contact the Office of Disability Services as early as possible so proper arrangements can be made.

Office of Student Retention

With a major emphasis in University College on retention, this office coordinates the core curriculum, the orientation program (in collaboration with student services), the college success course, the university honors program, academic advising, interdisciplinary core courses, and assessment of the general education program.

Division of Basic Studies

The Division of Basic Studies serves highly motivated students who desire to pursue a college education but need additional academic preparation to enter four-year programs. These students fall in the following categories:

Adult students who graduated from high school five or more years prior to admission and need refresher courses before being main-streamed into regular classes Students whose SAT or ACT test scores are too low for regular or limited admission into a four-year college Students who failed to complete required college preparatory courses while in high school The following non-degree credit classes are offered by this division:

Developmental studies courses in English, mathematics, and reading Learning support classes in science and social sciences for students with CPC deficiencies Specialized language skills courses for non-native speakers of English Refresher modules for adult re-entry students in such areas as computer literacy

Admission Requirements

Students who do not meet the requirements for admission to Columbus State University may be considered for admission to the Division of Basic Studies in University College. Please refer to the undergraduate admissions section of this catalog for specific requirements.

Developmental Studies Program Requirements

Although institutional credit is granted for developmental studies courses, no degree credit is awarded. Students placed into developmental studies courses must be enrolled in required courses until all subject areas have been satisfied. Students may earn a maximum of 20 degree credits while enrolled in developmental studies courses, but may not enroll in degree credit courses which require the content and skills of developmental studies courses as prerequisites.

Students are eligible to take the COMPASS exam in English after successfully completing ENGL 0098 or ENGL 0099. To exit the English subject area, students must pass an essay examination and must receive a minimum COMPASS score of 75. Students are eligible to take the COMPASS exam in reading after successfully completing READ 0098 or READ 0099. To exit the reading subject area, students must receive a minimum COMPASS score of 75. Students are eligible to take the COMPASS exam in mathematics after successfully completing MATH 0098. To exit the mathematics subject area, students must receive a minimum COMPASS score of 75.

After two unsuccessful attempts to satisfy any required subject area, students are placed on probation. After three unsuccessful attempts to satisfy any required subject area, students are excluded from University College. Students may not be considered for readmission within three years of the exclusion. Prior to exclusion, however, a student may appeal for one additional course attempt under the following three conditions:

the student is individually evaluated and determined to have a reasonable chance of success the student is in an exit level course the student has reached the limit in only one developmental subject area

Progression and Exit Requirements

All students referred to University College for further screening and subsequent enrollment must meet exit requirements before they are eligible to apply to a four-year institution. These include the completion of all developmental studies and learning support requirements, all course work in Area A of the core curriculum, and 30 semester hours of degree level credit with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. University College students are limited to courses offered by University College and courses in Areas A through E of the core curriculum.

Courses offered:

  • CSUS 1105 Learning to Learn: Adult Re-entry
  • CSUS 1106 College Success 1
  • ENGL 0001 English Communication 1
  • ENGL 0002 English Communication 2
  • ENGL 0098 Developmental Writing 1
  • ENGL 0099 Developmental Writing 2
  • ENGL 0123 Listening and Speaking
  • LGSU 0095 Learning Support: Scientific Inquiry
  • LGSU 0096 Learning Support: Social Science Primer
  • MATH 0097 Developmental Math 1
  • MATH 0098 Developmental Math 2
  • MATH 0099 Elementary Math Modeling
  • READ 0098 Developmental Reading 1
  • READ 0099 Developmental Reading 2

Modules offered:

  • MODL 0088 Introduction to Microcomputers
  • MODL 0089 Introduction to the Internet
  • MODL 0090 Word Processing

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