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Compliance and Enforcement - Columbus State University

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Columbus State University

Compliance and Enforcement

Faculty, staff and students of Columbus State University are expected to be positive role models and good ambassadors of the tobacco-free and smoke-free policy to campus visitors. The monitoring and enforcement of the tobacco-free and smoke free policy is the responsibility of all CSU faculty, staff and students. Each member should consistently and politely bring any infraction of this policy to the attention of the person or persons observed violating the policy.


All Columbus State University supervisors must inform subordinate faculty and staff members of this policy and inform them that failure to comply can be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Employee infractions should be reported to the employee's supervisor or department head, or Human Resources if unknown. Supervisors will utilize progressive discipline, beginning with a reminder of the policy and an offer of assistance with smoking cessation. Supervisors will also tailor reaction to reports of employee violations to the credibility of the report.


All CSU students who fail to comply with the policy will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students. Students who violate the policy in student housing areas will be reported to the Office of Residence Life.  Any student who violates the policy will be subject to corrective action according to procedures as stated in the Student Handbook.

Visitors, Vendors, or Contractors, and others not specifically employed by CSU:

Visitors, vendors, or contractors, and others not specifically employed by CSU will be reported to the department responsible for their presence on campus. Attempts should be made to remedy violations prior to contacting CSU police. In circumstances where departmental leadership is unable to remedy the situation, then University Police will be contacted for assistance. Visitors who violate this policy will be informed that they may be asked to leave the premises. Vendors and contractors may be subject to action, up to and including, the legal termination of a contract.

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