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Compare Courses - Columbus State University

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ENGL 2111. World Literature 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: ENGL 1102. A survey of important works of world literature from ancient times through the mid-seventeenth century.

ENGL 2112. World Literature 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: ENGL 1102. A survey of important works of world literature from the mid-seventeenth century to the present.

ITDS 1145. Comparative Arts (3-0-3) An introduction to the arts with emphasis on common elements, parallel dimensions, and aesthetic perception and response. (Course fee required.)

ITDS 1155. The Western Intellectual Tradition (3-0-3) An examination of the concepts and related dynamics that are central to and defining of the western intellectual tradition. (Course fee required.)

ITDS 2125. Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (3-0-3) Overview of the history and philosophical underpinnings of science and mathematics. Connections of broader history and context to science and mathematics learning.

PHIL 2010. Introduction to Philosophy (3-0-3) An introduction to the ideas of several philosophers on topics such as human reason, knowledge, justice, happiness, religion, and morality examined in their historical settings and for their impact on western civilization.

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